Game Changer My battle with addiction Has been a lot like an argument With a stupid person The act alone Has the ability To bring you down to their level…

Featured Contributor
Christopher Warren
-->Once a former inmate, Chris is now a free man. He served over a decade as a first-time non-violent offender for home loans in the run-up to the 2009 crisis….
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The Survivors It is said That the best time To put on a roof Is when the sun is shining I agree I go to 12-Step Meetings Every week Here…

I’m Coming Home. It’s April 19, 2020, and the COVID-19 virus has been impacting us inside just as it has everywhere else. At first, I was playing it cool and…

Saying Goodbye. Never cry in prison. Never. That’s what we’ve been taught. Noah got the call. It is his turn to go home. He is being released early because of…

Resentment and revenge have consumed my life since I was young. Although it blows my mind to say it now, I loved to hate back then. It somehow gave me…

When I got to prison, I thought the art of doing time was getting through it as easily and with as little thinking as possible. Thinking brings emotions — shame,…