The holidays can be joyous and they can also be stressful and full of triggers, especially for people in early sobriety. My first sober holiday was Thanksgiving and I was…

Featured Contributor
Christopher Warren
-->Once a former inmate, Chris is now a free man. He served over a decade as a first-time non-violent offender for home loans in the run-up to the 2009 crisis….
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My family had a long-standing tradition while I was growing up: a camping trip to MacKerricher State Park in Mendocino County, California. Every summer, we would return and spend a…

Writing Poetry to Save Your Life by Maria Mazziotti Gillan Picture Credit: Amazon I don’t care if you have zero interest in poetry, this book is about writing, period! Whether…

It’s said there are only two types of people in the Bureau of Prison system, those who snitched and those who wish they would have. A snitch is defined as…

Prison is full of rules. Unfortunately, the written rules will only keep you from conflict with the staff. If you want to make it through your sentence, the most important rules to…

Even though we did everything together, I knew I had to break up with my best friend. Addiction does not discriminate, it affects all walks of life. Statistically, 1 out…