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life in prison, inmates making the best out of a tough situation, taking pictures and having a good time while incarcerated, see no evil, say no evil, see no evil | Noah Bergland, Dennis Cockerham, Michael Gardipee | Resilience2Reform

Getting Started in Step Work (12-Step Program) | Noah Bergland

Posted on April 12, 2020

The disease of addiction means to me, the inability to stop using…the overpowering desire to use…denial, rationalization, justification, guilt, embarrassment, and isolation. These were all the things I was experiencing…

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A Walk in the Park | Noah Bergland

Knock Knock Who’s There? | Noah Bergland

Posted on April 11, 2020

Knock Knock, Who’s There? God! Ya, okay Dennis, I think you forgot to take your medicine again. So, I started my 12 steps a little over three weeks ago and…

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My First Plug

Living Clean | Dennis Cockerham

Posted on April 10, 2020

There exist many programs that one may choose from in today’s world, should they be seeking recovery from addiction. Although each has the same goal in mind, the way they…

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my first plug

Our Shared Freedom Dream | Christopher Warren

Posted on April 9, 2020

Other people’s standards and hopes for our lives hang on us, chains breaking our collar bones and bruising our skins. Large patches of black and purple, spreading on skin like…

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prison and family life, brother and sister, nephews going to see uncle Noah at Yankton federal prison camp | Noah Bergland | Resilience2reform

I Can Have It All, But I Can’t Have That | Noah Bergland

Posted on April 8, 2020

Hey everyone! I recently heard a quote that really put things in perspective for me and I wanted to share it with you. By not doing this one thing, I…

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Up in Smoke | Dennis Cockerham

Posted on April 5, 2020

This morning at approximately  1:45 am C. Cockerham Our 17-year-old son Pulled over for speeding Arrested on a warrant He was on the run again I wrote this for him:…

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