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Morgan Molitor

Scribente Maternum 2021 Writing Retreat

December 21, 2020
SCRIBENTE MATERNUM writing retreat

I am very excited to introduce you to my friend, Rachel, who is going to share about the Scribente Maternum virtual writing retreat that I’ll be a part of come…

Writing Poetry to Save Your Life by Maria Mazziotti Gillan Picture Credit: Amazon I don’t care if you have zero interest in poetry, this book is about writing, period! Whether…


Mixed Race Family | Dennis Cockerham

September 10, 2020
Mixed Family | Dennis Cockerham

Small town Nebraska raised, I was not taught to distinguish people by their race or color of their skin. I could not even tell you the general consensus on the…

There are many different ways to support a friend or family member who’s incarcerated. Here are seven different ideas and remember, if one isn’t available or doesn’t work, try another….


COVID RIOTS | Dennis Cockerham

July 5, 2020
Addiction | Dennis Cockerham

COVID RIOTS It is Monday June 1, 2020 3:45 pm All inmates To the basement Mandatory meeting George Floyd Black Lives Matter Protests Violence The news The world To prevent…



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We exist to transform lives and perspectives around mental health, recovery, and incarceration.

