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Karate Kid | Dennis Cockerham

May 18, 2020
Karate Kid

Karate Kid In the midst of addiction We wear many masks I would expand that to Include Personas and costumes Addiction defined Not just The use of drugs Obsessive thinking…

My First Plug I don’t know if most people can look back on their life And see with clarity Exactly when that defining moment happened 1985 I had recently been…


The Flame | Dennis Cockerham

May 16, 2020
Mixed Family | Dennis Cockerham

The Flame My pipe An air chuck and some hose that I had just found and cut Black tape to hold it all together This would be my first time…

COVID-19. The Pandemic. It’s sweeping the nation, wreaking havoc on social and economic stability and devastating the penal system across the country. The Federal Bureau Of Prisons (BOP) has 141,306…



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