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Champion | Noah Bergland

March 23, 2020
prison and family life, brother and sister, nephews going to see uncle Noah at Yankton federal prison camp | Noah Bergland | Resilience2reform

Originally published on 3/23/2020 on Construction2Style When I think of a champion, I picture the person I want to be, a mentor, someone who will take you under their wing…

Originally published 1/24/2020 on Construction 2 Style Hey guys, Chris here, Noah’s friend. After eleven years of incarceration, I am now free. I have stepped into a world I had…

“Why Do I Deserve You?” By: Adam Lawin What goes through my father’s head when he drives ten hours to see me every month like clockwork? The first three years…

I want people to feel hope when they hear my story. It doesn’t matter where you are at or what you have done, it’s never too late to turn around….



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