“Extra” – A Badge of Honor

Being a little bit "extra"


By: Dennis Cockerham

Do you remember
Back in school
The teacher would ask a question

Half the class
Would raise their hands

He just yells out the answer

Have you ever been
At that concert

The one where
That person
Next to you
Has vocals

Louder than the band

How about the grocery store

In an aisle
With that person
Who thinks you need to hear
Loud and clear

Both sides of the conversation
They are having
On their cell phone

Nice to meet you
I guess
I need
No more introduction

That is me
I am
That guy

Of course
The answers in school
Were usually wrong

I miss
Or change a lot of the lyrics

Nobody is on the other line anyway

None of that
Stops me

2 ears and 1 mouth
For a reason

The way that I see it
Me and my input
We are starting out
With a deficit

We all want it
We measure ourselves by it
We reward others with it

Obey your thirst
Ya right

Even as a child
Receiving gifts was great

Just to be acknowledged
By the presence
Of the parent

That hug
That tuck in
You want to be with me today

That is what it was all about

One could
make the argument
That our life
It is defined
By what we give our attention to

Take a deeper look

Most necessities
Are taken care of
With a minimum

The rest
It is about
The luxury
The tickle my fancy

As I like to call it
Take a look at me

Why the Porsche over the Beetle
The house over the trailer
The Apple over the Android


How did you choose

Who made you aware
That their was a choice to be made

How many times
Were these facts

Brought to your attention
Your expectation
This exact outcome

How about love

If it is not
The giving and receiving
Of specific attention
Between people

Then you define it differently

And then there is me

The only attention
That i ever received
Was negative

I did not know
To call it that

I just knew
That I got it
To create it
Anticipate it
And to go to all lengths
To get it

Just like the rest of you

I have got in my own way
More than once

The class clown
To the principal’s office
The life of the party
To somebody please (Link previous Post)
Cut him off

Most recently
Give me some of that
I don’t know how to stop

It is also
This same origin
That has me expressing myself
With these words

These same circumstances
Same events
Same pain

It is them
That bring the relief
The joy
The appreciation
The recognition
The transformation

It is
In this reaching out
that the ability
Is born
To grab onto something new

One of the last times
I went to the store
here at the prison camp

I purchased
20 large manila envelopes

The officer at the check out
Asked me
What are you going to do
With all of those

I replied
When nobody wants to hear
What you have to say

You mail it out
In bulk

I have been told
If I want to hear
A message

I might first
Need to shut up

This also
Has proven to be true

I am a work in progress
I am okay with that

Emmet Fox said
We should be in awe
Of the things
People carry with them

Instead of the judge
Of how they carry it

The kid in the classroom
The guy at the concert
And the person in the store

The beaten child
No more

Who is to say
Which is he
Who is to say
Whom each will be

For I am who I am
As I write this now
The fact that you pay attention
it helps some how

My youngest son
Calls me

Like too much
Or Over the top

I wear that like a badge of honor

I can be needy
I can be loud
I can demand

Where I got
Is from where I come
The departure
Does not determine
The destination

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