Scribente Maternum 2021 Writing Retreat

SCRIBENTE MATERNUM writing retreat

I am very excited to introduce you to my friend, Rachel, who is going to share about the Scribente Maternum virtual writing retreat that I’ll be a part of come February 2021 and want to encourage you all to join us! Take it away, Rachel… 

Being a mom is crazy hard on a good day. But moms in 2020 deserve a medal.

You are parenting in the midst of a pandemic. Parenting through distance learning. In spite of canceled activities and postponed holidays and missed vacations.

Scribente Maternum 2021 Writing Retreat

You are parenting, teaching, managing, learning, loving, snuggling, keeping your cool (then losing your cool, then apologizing for losing your cool, then somehow regaining your cool). You are vowing to do better the next day, and trying your best every single day.

In 2021, self-care for moms will be about a lot more than pedicures and bubble baths. It will be about time.

Time to sit by yourself in a quiet space without hearing, “Mom? Mom? Mom?”

Time to put your feet up with a cup of tea (or something stronger) in hand.

Time to give your own thoughts the kind of mental energy and attention that you’ve been giving to everyone else for the last year.

Time for you.

But in 2021, just like in 2020, the opportunities for real self-care won’t just fall in our laps. More than ever before, moms have to be intentional about finding the balance we so need in our lives.

We have to be willing to make ourselves a priority. We have to put our own self-care before our jobs. Before our partners. Even before our kids. Because by restoring our own energy, we are more able to take care of the responsibilities and people that mean the most to us. We need to fill our own cups to the brim so we have enough extra to pour for others.

For many of us, self-care takes the form of quiet time to think and write. It means sitting with a beautiful journal and a comfortable pen and few other distractions. When some writer friends and I went searching for something like this earlier this year, we were frustrated that nothing existed. So we created our own safe space, just for writers who identify as moms. We created Scribente Maternum (a play on “writer mom” in Latin, but the opposite of something fancy).

Scribente Maternum 2021 Writing Retreat

Scribente Maternum is an innovative new way for moms who write to give themselves the gift of time. To join in community with other moms who often crave the time and the space to write and breathe. And to actually find the time and the space not to be a mom. At least for a little while.

We will give ourselves that time and attention for 2.5 hours every Saturday this February.

We will join as a community of writer-moms to nourish and cultivate our own creativity and imaginations. And we will also come together for something bigger than ourselves because doing for others—even in the midst of a purposeful pause—is an important part of self-care as well. It’s collective care. And it’s what moms naturally do.

Scribente Maternum is so excited to give moms the headspace they need to write and create. The time for movement and laughter and togetherness that we so rarely let ourselves have. Time for new friends, for space to breathe, for lives forever changed.

I hope you’ll join Morgan and me inside this awesome new community, just for moms like you. More than anything, I hope you’ll find the real restorative self-care that you need in 2021. I hope you’ll make time for you.

Visit Scribente Maternum for more information or to register. Send us an email at with any questions or just to say hi.

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