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Karate Kid | Dennis Cockerham

May 18, 2020
Karate Kid

Karate Kid In the midst of addiction We wear many masks I would expand that to Include Personas and costumes Addiction defined Not just The use of drugs Obsessive thinking…


The Flame | Dennis Cockerham

May 16, 2020
Mixed Family | Dennis Cockerham

The Flame My pipe An air chuck and some hose that I had just found and cut Black tape to hold it all together This would be my first time…


PREDISPOSITION | Dennis Cockerham

April 23, 2020
the flame

In early life Most of us were capable Of joy and wonder Of giving and receiving Unconditional love My early life It had these things too I am sure But…



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We exist to transform lives and perspectives around mental health, recovery, and incarceration.

