From Me to You | Dennis Cockerham

The Written Rules of Prison | Noah Bergland

The United States Bureau of Prisons

Home of some of the most notorious outlaws Prisoners
Never expected to be free again

Or those with so many years to serve The mental anguish
Of the possibility of freedom
They would have been better off without it That is where I find myself today
There but not there

l am
As l currently write this
Located in Yankton, South Dakota Inmate at the Federal Prison Camp

One that could easily be mistaken as a beautiful park ln the center of the town

Having once been a college campus There are
No fences
No razor wire No killers

I have been sentenced to 55 months

The judge recognized my rehabilitation Allowed me to self-surrender

To sentence me
To show up
To a predesignated prison
On a particular day
To start serving my time On my own free will
A lot has changed Recovery
While on the s tree ts
I had achieved 1 8 months clean Knowing that I was coming to prison

Choos in g Learning Living Surrender

I am happy to find myself continuing this process Even here

I have completed an intensive residential treatment program Offered here at the camp
I continue to be an active member in the 12-step program Which I accredit to having given me my life back

And now I am enrolled in a Creative Writing Program
A program offered and taught by a professor from the  local college

One that has inspired me
Not only to share
My story
My message

But 10 learn how to express it
In the words I write down

This is my story
My message of hope
My promise of freedom

Fragmented Scattered

Yet complete at the same time
A lot like my life

I am an Addict… my name is Dennis

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